Overview of Alpa Consulting service – can it be trusted?

Alpa Consulting is said to have been in business since 1999 and provides timeshare sales, real estate valuation and internet marketing services. Her official website has existed since 2010, and during this time it has changed more than once.
Can this broker be trusted? This will help to find out the review dedicated to Alpa Consulting.

General information about Alpa Consulting

It should be understood that Alpa Consulting mainly provides consulting services and specializes in strategy development, marketing and real estate valuation. At the same time, the service does not provide any reports for ten expected years of work and does not talk about its development and formation.
Although the site states that the Alpa Consulting broker has been operating since 1999, there is no evidence of this. The section “Constituent documents” provides registration certificates in 2017. There are no other documents on the legalization of activities.

Contacts and reviews about the broker

According to reviews of Alpa Consulting, in order to contact service representatives, you need to call one of the phone numbers provided, write an e-mail or visit one of the offices. According to the company, it receives visitors in Moscow, South Africa, and India.
It should be noted that there is no negative about Alpa Consulting – in addition, reviews regularly appear on various forums and resources. It is not known if the employees themselves write these comments, or if the company really has such a good reputation.

What guarantees does Alpa Consulting provide?

The platform has a separate section with guarantees that are provided to clients who have opened a personal account in Alpa Consulting. In fact, no specifics are given there. The mediator reports that he carries a “lifetime guarantee”, and if the client does not see the result within 12 months, the service will not take payment.

Services and service rates – what is offered to customers?

In the portfolio of Alpa Consulting, the official website publishes only the development of sites, logos and other marketing tools. In the services of the company, there are many interesting things:

  • sale of timeshare – in this case, the client is redirected to another site of another office, which causes some suspicion;
  • Internet marketing services – Alpa Consulting deals with optimization and other tools;
  • real estate appraisals – and even advice on how to sell or buy your home.

Nothing is said about the prices – for this, the client is encouraged to contact the manager. However, registering a personal account with Alpa Consulting is dangerous, since the connection to the site is not secure, and fraudsters can steal credit card data. It is quite difficult to recommend this service, given its questionable website and lack of transparency regarding cooperation.
